Today, our Discoverers and Voyagers had a fantastic time applying different watercolour techniques during Art Morning!
Today, Voyagers and Discoverers took part in Safer Internet day by looking at the theme 'Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online'.
On Wednesday, our Year 3 children had a fantastic afternoon at Forest School, filled with adventure, creativity, and teamwork.
Voyagers and Discoverers had a challenge set to produce an interactive page with a complex moving mechanism.
This week in Art, the children explored the fascinating world of surrealism in preparation for creating their own surreal paintings inspired by the work of Salvador Dalí.
In Voyagers and Discoverers, we have started to learn about the linkages and levers that are used in moving picture books. We will eventually making our own moving picture page.
This term in RHE the focus is Health and well-being and we started of our learning by looking at Mental Health and the steps you can take to have positive mental health.
What a fantastic time we had at the Christmas craft morning in school!
Discoverers and Voyagers looked at a challenging topic, focusing on how and why food and minerals are distributed around the world.
Voyagers and Discoverers have been learning about the internet this half term. They have learnt so much about how the internet works and how to stay safe online. Well done!
Discoverers and Voyagers kicked off our first competitive Inter House event of the year.
Today at Bishop, we were extremely lucky to have professional gymnast, Courtney Tulloch visit our children.
This week, in DT, we learnt some useful cooking skills such as how to hold a knife correctly to chop vegetables and how to use a stove, before applying these skills to cook a tasty paella.
Bullying is not tolerated at Bishopsteignton Primary School. We frequently discuss friendships and how to deal with problems in RHE lessons but also get involved with Anti-Bullying Week.
WOW! We have been blown away by the ways that children have started their multiplication and division learning for this half term.
The children acted out their own cooking show based on their learning so far in DT and Literacy.
With a cross curriculum link between Art and History, the children designed and created their own cave drawings.
This week, to end their learning about Prehistoric Britain, the children explored a variety of sources of evidence linked to Iron Age religion
The children had a fantastic (and wet) morning taking part in activities that immersed them in the lives of people from the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age.
This week, we learned how beliefs were shown in the Bronze Age.
Voyagers and Discoverers read and explored several counting poems today. Aiming to inspire a love of poetry as part of National Poetry Day.
This half term, the Voyagers and Discoverers are developing their tennis skills and we have been very impressed with their ball and racket skills.
The children bounced their hearts out to raise money for FOBS.
The children thought very carefully about how their words can build others up or bring them down.
This week, we used some historical sources to build a picture of Early Stone Age life.
The children showed great problem solving skills and collaboration while trying to create a complete electrical circuit.
The children spent their first art lesson exploring drawing with different materials.
Today Year 3 had a lot of fun building their own 3-D shapes from a range of construction materials including straws, match sticks, and plasticine.
The children were fantastic scientists when setting up their investigation to see what a marigold plant needs to survive and grow.
The children conducted fieldwork on Luxton's Step and around the village.
This week, the children have been developing their overarm throwing techniques.
Discoverers spent some time exploring new, exciting books in the school library and reading with Explorers.
The children took part in role play and posed to show snapshots from different parts of the story.
We created lifelike paintings of flowers by observing their features closely like real botanists.
Voyagers and Discoverers have created two amazing pieces of writing about the searching for specific creatures in our woodland.
Year 4 have just returned from our residential trip to Forest and Beach Outdoor Education Centre.
Voyagers and Discoverers used all their knowledge of vertebrates to help them classify their choice of creatures from the islands of the UK or New Zealand.
The children have been fantastic this week in Maths lessons when looking at parts of whole (decimals and fractions) and demonstrating their understanding in many ways.
This week in Science, Discoverers and Voyagers have kicked off the Animals topic by investigating invertebrates.
Wow! What incredible artists we have in Voyagers and Discoverers.
Today in Design and Technology we were making torches. We used our knowledge and skills from science to help us construct a working circuit, thinking carefully about conductors and insulators to help us.
Year 3 and 4 took part in some fantastic Science learning across the week.
We have loved to see the children in their wonderful outfits, celebrating their favourite books and authors for World Book Day.
Year 4 had brilliant forest school session in the sunshine today and it finally felt like Spring! Yet, still plenty of mud to be found!
Isaac Newton light spinners
To start of our 'Get inpsired' topic, the children have looked at sculptures of local artist Barbara Hepworth before then exploring how clay can be manipulated and the skills they may need when creating their own sculptures.
Year 3 and 4 have been learning about what perimeter is and how to use different calculation skills to solve perimeter problems.
As part of our topic: Worldwide History, we have been finding out what food the Ancient Maya used to eat and how they grew the food or hunted it.
In English this week, the children used many skills to research facts about the Ancient Mayas to help them write their own information page.
The children have been learning different types of shots used in the game volleyball. This week, they focused on learning the dig shot.