Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

  1. Our Community
  2. Adventurers



  • KS1 focused on 'scams' today, what we can do to identify them and what to do once we have identified them.
  • KS1 completed the 'make' part of their DT unit today as they created moving pictures from the story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'.
  • KS1 were visited by Emily from the 'Dog's Trust' and learnt how to make sure we keep the dogs in our lives feeling happy, safe and comfortable.
  • KS1 have been making sliders to help tell the story of 'The Gingerbread Man'.
  • KS1 have been using drama to retell fairy tales!
  • KS1 were feeling very Christmasy this morning as they created lots of Christmas crafts before tucking into a delicious Christmas Dinner!
  • Well done to all of KS1 who performed in their Nativity this week!
  • KS1 have been practising using imperative verbs to give commands to their friends so that they can make revolting sandwiches!
  • Year 1 have been sorting shapes in different ways.
  • What an exciting day as the children met Courtney Tulloch, an Olympian gymnast.
  • The Year 1s have been hunting for 2D shapes around the school.
  • A very exciting KS1 snow experience.
  • KS1 were talking about 'Respect' today as part of 'Anti-Bullying Week' 2024.
  • KS1 had a visit from volunteers at NSPCC today to talk about children's rights.
  • KS1 have been working on their Queen Victoria portraits as part of their drawing topic in Art this half term.
  • KS1 have been learning about Prophet Muhammed and his time on Mount Hira.
  • As part of their drawing topic in art this half term, KS1 have been creating self-portraits
  • KS1 were inspired by a counting poem in their maths lesson today.
  • KS1 had a bounce-tastic time today in their bounce off!
  • KS1 have started their drawing art unit by making marks using different media.
  • The Adventurers have had a great start to the new academic year and spent some time this afternoon sharing their favourite things to do in the classroom.
  • The Year 2s have been using their knowledge of place value in Maths to represent different numbers.
  • KS1 have been making swings in their DT lessons this week.
  • A brilliant morning of sports this morning for the KS1 and Explorers!
  • KS1 children have been carrying out fieldwork as part of their Geography topic this half term.
  • KS1 have been out on another seasonal walk to see what has changed.
  • In RHE, KS1 have been thinking about positive learning attitudes. What this looks like and what this sounds like.
  • KS1 had a fantastic day out at Stover Country Park learning about and exploring all the different habitats.
  • KS1 have been inspired by Eric Carle's collage art to create their own under the sea themed collages.
  • A morning of fun in the park for KS1!
  • This week we were visited by a coach from Devon Cricket.
  • KS1 have been finding out about the minibeast in our school grounds.
  • KS1 were visited by a scientist from Recycle Devon today, who taught them all about what happens in our compost bins!
  • KS1 have been using fair tests to explore their senses,
  • KS1 have been experimenting with time!
  • KS1 took part in Interhouse Games this morning, working together in their house teams to score as many points as they could!
  • KS1 had a fantastic time for this year's WBD, We shared our favourite books and had some special visitors read with us!
  • The Year 2s have been composers this morning as they wrote and performed their own music using high, middle and low pitches.
  • KS1 celebrated SID 2024 by looking back at electronic gadgets through history and learning about how to stay safe through stories.
  • As part of our RHE learning KS1 had a visit from the dentist
  • KS1 have been learning about identifying different plants and different parts of plants.
  • KS1 learnt the story of David and Goliath
  • KS1 have been out around the school looking for plants to draw and identify.
  • KS1 have been learning about important symbols in Judaism and went on a hunt for symbols they can see around our school.
  • Christmas jumpers, Christmas dinner, Christmas crafts...Christmas has landed in KS1!
  • An amazing performance from all our KS1 children for this year's Nativity.
  • Year 1 have been consolidating their knowledge of sorting 2D shapes.
  • KS1 had a special visitor from our local church today to help us learn more about our RE topic this half term.
  • Year 1 explored the playground to find 2D shapes.
  • KS1 have got to the make part of the their DT project this half term- making their weather vane.
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