This years Anti-Bullying Week campaign is all about choosing respect and empowering young people to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.
In our Literacy lessons this half term, we have started looking at the features of information leaflets and how we can use them to persuade the reader.
Following on from our Assembly earlier this week, the children took part in an NSPCC workshop.
We are very excited to announce that our Year 5/6 Christmas production this year will be Peter Pan.
Ahead of our NSPCC workshop, we had an assembly about speaking out to stay safe.
To end our Autumn 1 term, Inventors and Pioneers took part in our Anglo-Saxon and Viking battle day!
Year 6 have had the best time on their residential this last week!
Pioneers and Inventors have been really excited to add some drama to our historical studies this week!
As part of our work about Black History Month, Pioneers and Inventors studied important people from the past.
In Literacy lessons this week, Pioneers and Inventors have been studying Anglo-Saxon dragons whilst reading the story ‘Beowulf and the Dragon’.
We have been investigating forces in our Science lessons this half term.
Year 6 are incredibly excited about their residential trip to Heatree next week!
Aiming to inspire a love of poetry, this years National Poetry Day's theme is 'counting'.
A MASSIVE well done to all of our fantastic Year 5 and 6 children who showed such courage when delivering their school council presentations this week!
Inventors and Pioneers showed excellent collaboration this week when developing their chronological understanding by ordering key historical events from the Anglo-Saxon and Viking time period.
Year 5 have been working really hard on developing their knowledge of factors and multiples in Maths this week.
Over this half term, we have been learning all about the Anglo-Saxons in our Topic lessons.
Inventors and Pioneers had a wonderful time taking part in the Bounce Off today!
In our Science lessons over this half term, we are studying forces.
This half term, the children have been developing the skills needed for tag rugby.
In our History lessons we have been looking at change and continuity and trying to make links between the time periods we have studied.
In our Art lessons this half term, we are looking at using different techniques to create effects and textures within our sketches.
A massive welcome back to all our Year 5 & 6 children!
We would like to wish our fantastic Year 6 leavers the best of luck on the next steps in their learning journeys and a give them a massive well done on being such super learners!
Children and staff in Inventors and Pioneers would like to wish everyone a happy summer holidays!
As part of our 'Love Where You Live' topic this half term, children have created poems about the local area.
Inventors and Pioneers had their final swimming lesson this week and we ended with a fun float session!
It was General Election Day at Bishop today!
A HUGE well done to Year 6 on the success of their fantastic Digital Music concert using Grime music as inspiration!
Inventors and Pioneers spent a morning looking at OS maps of Dartmoor.
Children in Years 5 and 6 have been considering how they could create an all-terrain wheelchair for use on Dartmoor.
Over the last couple of weeks, Inventors and Pioneers have been writing their own 'fake news' newspaper reports.
A massive well done to everyone in Inventors and Pioneers who took part in this years Sports Day!
In Literacy, we have started looking at the 'newsworthiness' of news.
This week, Year 6 had a fantastic time during their first forest school session!
This week, Inventors and Pioneers had their first trip to Kingsteignton Swimming Pool.
As part of our new 'Love Where You Live' topic, Inventors and Pioneers spent a lovely, sunny afternoon walking around Bishopsteignton village.
This week, Inventors and Pioneers were involved in an interactive concert inspired by stories of the sea.
As part of our Animals Topic, we have been creating collages of exotic birds in Years 5 & 6.
A MASSIVE well done to all our Year 6 students on the completion of their SATs this week.
Over this half term, children in Inventors and Pioneers have been using spreadsheets to enter data, carry out calculations and duplicate information.
This week, Inventors and Pioneers were lucky enough to have a session with a coach from Devon Cricket.
Pioneers and Inventors have been learning about life cycles and investigating classification this week.
Children in Inventors and Pioneers have been learning all about the similarities and differences between different animals life cycles in Science this week.
Year 5 have had a lovely first session back at Forest School!
Inventors and Pioneers have started their new cricket unit in PE this half term.
Inventors and Pioneers ended the term with an afternoon of making wire sculptures.
Inventors and Pioneers have thoroughly enjoyed their DT morning creating, testing and evaluating their balloon-powered cars!
A HUGE well done to Year 5 on the success of their fantastic PBones concert!
Inventors and Pioneers have had great fun participating in this term's Interhouse competition!