If you would like to contact our governors the school office can put you in touch.
More information about governance in the school can be found on the Governance page.
Name: Pauline Morley
Role: Chair of Governors / SEND Lead / Curriculum support / School Improvement support
Type of governor: Co-opted
Appointed by: Governing Board
Term: 28.09.22 - 27.09.26
Committee: Teaching & Learning
Registered business interests: None
Attendance at F.G.B. meetings 2024-25 1/1
Name: Chris Merritt
Role: Personnel Lead / Finance Lead
Type of governor: Parent
Appointed by: Elected by parents
Term: 01.11.21 - 30.10.25
Committee: Resources
Registered business interests: None
Attendance at F.G.B. meetings 2024-25 1/1
Name: Graham Hooker
Role: Safeguarding support / Curriculum Lead / School Improvement (SDP) Lead/ Local Authority Governor
Type of governor: Co-opted
Appointed by: Governing Board
Term: 01.10.21 - 30.09.25
Committee: Teaching & Learning
Registered business interests: None
Attendance at F.G.B. meetings 2024-25 1/1
Name: Sonya Lamoon Role: Vice-chair of governors / EYFS Lead / Communications support
Name: Emma Leballeur
Role: Staff
Type of governor: Elected by staff
Appointed by: Governing Board
Term: 27.06.19 to present
Committee: Teaching & Learning
Registered business interests: None
Attendance at F.G.B. meetings 2024-25 0/1
Name: Nick Long
Role: Safeguarding Lead
Type of governor: Parent
Appointed by: Elected by parents
Term: 22.02.23 - 21.02.27
Committee: Teaching & Learning
Registered business interests: None
Attendance at F.G.B. meetings 2024-25 1/1
Name: Dave Killoran
Type of governor: Headteacher
Appointed by: Ex officio
Term: 01.09.15 - present
Committees: Resources, Teaching & Learning
Registered business interests: None
Attendance at F.G.B. meetings 2024-25 1/1
Name: Paul Zaleski
Role: GDPR Lead / Friends of Bishopsteignton Link (FOBS)
Type of governor: Parent
Appointed by: Elected by parents
Term: 01.10.21 - 30.09.25
Committee: Resources
Registered business interests: None
Attendance at F.G.B. meetings 2024-25 1/1
Name: Dave Boobyer
Role: Premises Lead
Type of governor: Co-opted
Appointed by: Governing Board
Term: 22.07.24 - 22.07.28
Committee: Resources
Registered business interests: None
Attendance at F.G.B. meetings 2024-25 1/1
Name: Jonathan Watson
Role: Information, Communication and Technology Lead
Type of governor: Parent
Appointed by: Elected by parents
Term: 18.10.23 - 17.10.27
Committee: Resources
Registered business interests: None
Attendance at F.G.B. meetings 2024-25 0/1
Name: Geoff Jones ole: Lead Governor Personnel / Finance support |
Governors who have left during the last year
Name: James Kilby
Role: Lead Governor Equalities / Communications
Type of governor: Co-opted
Appointed by: FGB
Left: 18.09.24
Committee: Resources
Registered business interests: None
Name: David Lamboll
Role: Lead Governor Finance
Type of governor: Co-opted
Appointed by: FGB
Left: 01.10.24
Committee: Resources
Registered business interests: None