The governing board are representatives of parents, staff and the local community who oversee the strategic direction of the school and preschool.
If you would like to contact our governors, please email Chair of Governors, Dave Boobyer on: You can find out who our governors are, on our Governors page.
The school council invited the governors along to a meeting to find out more about what we do. Each class thought of some questions they wanted to ask and Sonya Lamoon and Graham Hooker came into school to meet the children.
Explorers |
What is your name and where do you live? Graham- I live near to the playground at the top of the hill in the village. Sonya- I live in Ideford and some children that go to the school also live in this village. |
How do you help the school? Mr Killoran and Miss Leballeur have lots of different things to do and we listen to what is needed and we help them. We work alongside the staff to make sure you have the best possible time at Bishop. We make sure you are happy and safe by talking to the adults and helping them make decisions. |
Adventurers |
What do you do to help the school? Running a school is complicated and our job is to help the staff to make the decisions. We ask lots of questions to see if what they are doing will make a positive difference. We do that through lots of meetings throughout the year. We are in teams that look at different things to do with the school. |
What is your favourite part about being a governor? Graham- you lot! Seeing the children do well. I used to be a secondary teacher. Sonia- We like making a difference and helping out. I have a special job of helping preschool and i like spending time down in the preschool alongside the adults and the children. |
Investigators |
Where do you like to go on holiday? Graham- I have a son that lives in New Zealand and I go over there a lot to see them. Greece is my favourite and possibly Spain. I also like holidays in Britain. Sonya- I like new places but we really like places near the beach. I like Spain and Greece. My favourite holiday ever was to Thailand- an amazing place! |
What is your favourite animal? Graham- I am interested in things like worms and snails! Sonya- I like cats! I also like monkeys as they are such fun to look at! |
Discoverers |
How do you make the school better? It is already a good school so it is how to help make it even better. We think about how best to spend the money so you get the best opportunities. We work together as a team and we all have different skills. |
Do you like your job? Graham- Yes I do. I had 3 children myself come here and I knew the school a little bit. I wanted to give something back to the school where my kids were. Sonya- I am a teacher and I used to be a deputy head. It has been nice to be part of a school community again. |
Voyagers |
How busy are you on an average week doing governing? Graham- 5 or 6 hours a week but it varies. Sonya- Not really an average week. Sometimes more than others. About 3 hours a week. |
Did you see our climate march? Sonya- I didn’t see it but I did see it on the website and on Facebook. |
Pioneers |
Why did you choose to be a Governor at BISHOP school? (What is it you like about our school?) Graham- My children came here, I also live close by and I spent a lot of time at a bigger school so it was a change for me. Sonya- When I stopped working full time I wanted to be a governor somewhere. I had a look around Bishop and liked how it was part of the community and it is a great school. |
How exactly do you help Mr Killoran? If the team has a difficult problem to solve, we listen and then say- ‘have you thought of this’ or ‘could you do this instead?’ We help them to think of the best way of doing things. We ask a LOT of questions about how changes will make a difference and how we will know that this has happened. |
Inventors |
What is the most important part of your role you do as a Governor for our school? Graham- One committee is all about what happens in classrooms. Someone has to coordinate this and this is my role. This is the most important thing I do. Sonya- My main role is supporting and looking after preschool and early years. |
Have you ever visited other schools and, if so, why did you choose our school? Graham- Since I have retired, no, but when I was working I visited other primary schools. I chose this school because it was close and because my children came here. Sonya- I am lucky as I am a supply teacher and so I have lots of experience of visiting lots of different schools. They are similar in some ways and different in others. Bishop is one of the nicest schools I have been to recently and you are lucky to be here! You should be proud of your school! |
What does the governing board do?
The governing board provide the school with a strategic view and helps set, and keep under review, the broad framework within which the head and staff run the school. The governing board and head work together in partnership to develop key policies. Sometimes the role is described as that of critical friend, offering support and help whilst also asking questions and seeking to improve proposals. Governors are not involved in the school’s day-to-day management, but the head and staff are accountable to the governing board for the school’s performance.
How can I become a governor?
All governors are elected or nominated for four years, although if their circumstances change they can serve for less. There are several different routes by which people can become school governors. Our school has 12 governors. Four of these are parent governors who are elected by parents as vacancies arise. The other categories of governor are: two staff (including the head) and four co-opted for the skills they can bring to the school, one of these being nominated by Devon County Council.
Parent governors are not expected to be educational experts and neither are they expected to act as parent representatives. Rather they are people who are able to put a parent’s perspective forward where necessary.
How often do the governors meet?
There are four scheduled full governors’ meetings a year, but the governing body is sub-divided into two smaller committees that each meets separately twice a term. All governors are members of one committee. The two committees are Teaching and Learning, which covers all curriculum aspects, and Resources, which includes oversight of communications, finance, personnel, and premises. Issues can be looked at in detail in the small groups and then brought back to the main governors’ meeting for either approval or further discussion. Governors on the Teaching and Learning Committee pay termly visits to the school and also attend some staff curriculum meetings. Some meetings are held in the evenings, but others are held during or at the end of the school day.
What else do the governors get involved in?
In addition to attending meetings governors need to be familiar with the school’s activities and this requires governors to sometimes visit the school during working hours. Visits could include:
- Attending staff meetings, assemblies and school productions;
- Monitoring a particular activity;
- Serving tea/coffee during Parent/Teacher consultation evenings;
- Assisting at fund raising events.
There is also a certain amount of reading and preparation outside of meetings, reviewing policies, mentoring new governors, etc.
Will I have an induction?
There is an induction programme for new governors. In addition the county provides support including training and a telephone helpline. It is recommended that all new governors attend an introductory course organised by Devon Education Services, either in person or online.
Governors are not paid but the school will pay travelling costs and cost of child care during training courses. The school will also pay for a limited range of expenses such as when a governor has to pay child care costs to attend a meeting because no other responsible adult is available.
Why become a governor?
Becoming a governor can be an interesting, rewarding and worthwhile experience. The school welcomes enthusiastic, dedicated people who would be committed to helping provide a supportive environment for our community school.
For more information contact the head, chair of governors or any present governor who would be delighted to offer some insight into the role of a governor.
Governor Newsletters
Governor newsletter December 2024
Governor newsletter- Summer 2024
Governor newsletter March 2024
Governor newsletter December 2023
Governor newsletter December 2022
Governor newsletter December 2021
Governor newsletter March 2021
Full Governing Board: minutes of meetings from September 2022
Governor committees at Bishopsteignton School
Governor Meetings