Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

    Bishopsteignton Primary School News

    School News

    The latest news stories from Bishopsteignton Primary School.


    News Stories

    • Teignmouth Museum Trip
      We had a great time at Teignmouth Museum on Thursday! Here we are looking at a Victorian bathing machine and finding out about the swimming costumes people used to wear.
    • Teignmouth Museum Trip part 2
    • Museum Trip
      We enjoyed looking at photos of Teignmouth during the Victorian times and comparing it to now!
    • Victorian Lessons
      In today's Topic lesson, the children took part in Victorian role play activities. We had English lessons where we used slate (and some black paper with chalk) to write on as well as practising chanting poems at the same time.
    • Dragon's Den
      We have been learning about Victorian inventions. We found out about the problems that were solved by these inventions.
    • Sharing our Poems!
      We have now completed our poetry unit and we were so proud to share our finished poems with each other today.
    • Art
      Following on from last terms Art work, we have been exploring Pointillism which is a painting technique in which small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an image.
    • Computing
      In Computing, we have been creating algorithms using Scratch and correcting errors which we may make in the process.
    • Poetry
      Linking to our new topic of the Victorians, we have been exploring a poem from Robert Louis Stevenson.
    • DT project
      This week we made bridges in Design and Technology. First, we designed our bridge, then measured the wood before sawing and constructing it. The purpose of the bridge was to cross a river and to be strong enough to hold five toy cars.
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