Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

    Bishopsteignton Primary School News

    The latest news stories from Bishopsteignton Primary School.


    News Stories

    • What's Happening Sheets...
      The whole school topic this term is The Great Outdoors! 'What's Happening' curriculum sheets are going home today, and are also available to see on the class pages on the website.
    • Forest School
      The Forest School areas are ready for our first day of Forest School for the Explorers Class this Thursday, thanks to the amazing hard work of FOBS.
    • OFSTED inspection found us to be a GOOD school.
      Following our OFSTED inspection on the 7th March, we have now received back the report and it has been emailed out to parents today. It is also available to read on the OFSTED page, under 'School Information' on the website.
    • Red Nose Day Round Up...
      Thank you to everyone who donated money towards our Comic Relief activities. We raised a total of £659.60! Amazing! Attached is the winning design & runners up of the competition.
    • Should it stay or should it go?
      The vote's were in and counted and the outcome of Mr Killoran's beard decided! 43% voted to keep the beard, and 57% voted that it should go, so there was only one answer...!!
    • The Winning Cakes
      Here are the winning cakes from Bishop Bake Off! We even made the news - page 9 of the Herald Express!
    • Great Bishop Bake Off
      Thank you to everyone who supported the Great Bishop Bake Off. It was truly a spectacular success! After all of the donations have been counted we raised £351.25 for Motor Neurone Disease Association.
    • Fire Safety Talk
      Our Year 2 and Year 5 pupils enjoyed a talk from Devon Fire Safety on Thursday 2nd March learning about how to prevent fire and how to keep safe in the event of an emergency.
    • Ofsted inspection on Tuesday 7th March 2017
      On Ofsted inspector will be visiting the school tomorrow. A letter has been emailed out today containing further information and an online link to a parent questionnaire.
    • Bedtime Anytime!!
      We had great fun celebrating World Book Day on Thursday, dressed in our PJ's as our theme was 'Bedtime Anytime' to promote a love of reading at any point in the day.
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