Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

    Bishopsteignton Primary School News

    School News

    The latest news stories from Bishopsteignton Primary School.


    News Stories

    • Maya Masks
      Discoverers have been learning about why people wore masks during the Maya period.
    • Times Tables Rock Stars
      Have you heard about our KS2 Times Tables Rock Stars competition?
    • Sharing our Maya Myths
      We have now finished out myths based on the Maya Creation Story.
    • Partitioning and Compact Method!
      This week we have enjoyed our new unit - Additive Reasoning. We started by partitioning numbers and representing this on a place value chart.
    • Power it Up!
      In Science, Year 3/4 have been constructing simple electrical circuits as well as naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs and switches.
    • Living History Group
      On Monday, we had a visit from the Living History Group who talked to us about what life was like in World War 1 for the soldiers in the trenches. We asked lots of questions and found out lots about the equipment and weapons used.
    • Year 4 Tag Rugby Festival
      Children in Year 4 attended a Tag Rugby Festival this week at TCS. They played new games, developed skills and learnt more about Tag Rugby.
    • 14.9.18- What a fantastic 2 weeks we have had!
      We have been very busy learning our class charters, new routines and starting new learning! In Maths we have been thinking about place value, adding and subtracting 10/100 and 1000 as well as exploring representations of 3 and 4 digit numbers.
    • 14.9.18
      Here we are acting out the Maya Creation Story!
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