Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

    Bishopsteignton Primary School News

    School News

    The latest news stories from Bishopsteignton Primary School.


    News Stories

    • Picasso Inspired Art Work
      This week we completed our Picasso inspired portraits using a range of techniques.
    • Picasso!
      We have been learning about Picasso! We found out that he would draw portraits from different perspectives to create his famous art work.
    • Pablo Picasso!
      Part 2
    • New TTRS Competition
      Have you heard about the new TTRS Competition?
    • Measure
      In Year 3/4 we have been applying our addition and subtraction skills to measure! We have been measuring the length of objects in the playground.
    • Year 3 Handball Festival
      On Wednesday, children from Year 3 attended a Handball Festival at TCS where they practised skills needed to become confident players. They had a fantastic afternoon and enjoyed the experience.
    • WW1 Evacuation
      On Monday, Mr Hammond came into school to talk to us about evacuation during WW1. As a History teacher, he was able to tell us lots of facts about why this was necessary during WW1.
    • Light and Shadows
      In Science, we have been exploring light and shadows.
    • Curriculum Celebration
      Thank you very much for coming to our Curriculum Celebration! We hope you enjoyed it!
    • Violin Concert
      Thank you to the Year 3 parents for coming to see Year 3's violin concert!
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