An Intruder!25 January 2023 (by admin) |
We came back from lunch to find that a visitor had been in our role play! Someone had eaten the porridge and had broken a chair!
The children were excited by their hook into our new literacy text. There were lots of ideas as to whom might have caused the mess, but in the end the children unanimously agreed that it might be Goldilocks!
During our literacy time we have been learning the story map of 'The Three Bears' by telling the story orally through words and signs.
Exploring the characters through our role play and creating different breakfast in our outdoor kitchen have been a favourite learning activity during continuous provision time. Lots of listening to others, sharing ideas and negotiating resources. These skills are so crucial for life long learning and are promoted through our learning behaviours....our Achievosaurs!
Can your child retell the story so far?